Pranohen aplikimet deri në datë 29.01.2025, apliko tani dhe behu pjese e stafit tone
We had the pleasure of welcoming to the Waste Management Area in Tirana the largest delegation ever from Public Enterprises and the State Agency of Waste Management in Kosovo.
"It was a pleasure for us to host a representative of the Kosovo Waste Management Agency yesterday".
June 5, World Environment Day, found us near the Kombinat community, an area where the IEBV concessionaire operates.
Do your part for the environment
According to the ground, even the tree
GeoGenix B.V. has constantly monitored the events that include and are talked about our investments in Albania
Department of "Environmental Engineering" and master students for "Rural and Sustainable Development"
The agreement stipulates that students of various faculties at the Polytechnic University will have the opportunity to expand their studies in the field of renewable energy and waste treatment.
Lecture hours in Sharra. Students of the Polytechnic University of Tirana the Waste Treatment Zone.
Waste Treatment Zone is an honor of Tirana
Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MEI) National Agency for Water Supply and Sewerage and Waste Infrastructure (AKUM), National Environmental Agency (KTA), one of the companies for waste collection in the Municipality of Tirana (Eco Tirana)
As a close part of the Sharra community, this Friday together with the children of the 9-year school of Sharra we cleaned the bank of the Erzen River during the National Water Week.
"What we saw here was a recent plant conceived in such a way as to treat waste according to the treatment hierarchy imposed by the European community and domestic legislation".
"This visit left a great impression on us. We do not have any such plant in Kosovo with European standards".
This is the second year that the IEBV offers scholarships and concludes cooperation agreements with Polis University.
Former Minister of Health, Gjergji Koja, responds to the accusations of the opposition on incinerators, where although he does not prefer to dwell on the costs of this investment, he emphasizes that they are important for human health.
She was also explaining that it was the municipality of Durrës that asked to bring its waste to Sharra, a request which was accepted by the company.
This time they were doctoral students and magistrates of Polis University in the capital who visited the premises of the Waste Processing Plant, Tirana.
On the International Environment Day, the Minister of Tourism and Environment Blendi Klosi and Deputy Mayor Arbjan Mazniku inspected this landfill today.
The project that our IEBV company is implementing in Tirana is the highest standard followed in Europe.
Probes for drilling biogas wells are operating in the part of the landfill that is being encapsulated.
In order to reduce waste while improving the quality of life!
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