"According to the ground, even the tree." This is the principle we follow in the Largest Waste Treatment Area in Sharra.
Every kind of land loves its own tree. This process becomes more difficult when the soil has suffered from waste and poison contamination for 30 years. With an excellent expertise we managed to strengthen the terrain from the roots of the planted trees after the encapsulation.
Protect it from slipping, collapse or erosion and above all clean it from poisons. A man-made forest that resembles a natural habitat is probably the only place where you can study the Mediterranean world within a given area. In the Waste Treatment Area the number of trees is very high and their variety is quite large.
Each plant in the plot where it is located has a function. If you visit Sharra you will initially see large areas of alfalfa. What we have chosen is the Leticia type. It has been selected by experts as it has a strong root system, which goes up to 20 m depth, improves the structure and air permeability and above all in our case the soil, which has undergone the process of waste encapsulation. In another area we have planted the Poplar tree. It has been selected by experts as it is the ideal wood for breaking winds. Today they are very high, but can reach up to 35 m in height.
While with Akacian we have afforested sloping territories, as the root system of this tree is ideal to connect the soil. Willows are planted in moist terrains mainly along the lakes we have created, helping not only the landscape but also the nature of this typical vegetation type. Likewise every place for mimosas, olives and fruit trees or vineyards, was originally explored to help the once encapsulated land full of poisons.
Land revitalization after waste encapsulation is the success that environmental experts have achieved in the Waste Treatment Area. Exactly this parcelization, where every inch of land adapts to the plant is being studied by students of Landscape Architecture, a new branch in Albania, which will produce future environmental experts.