Former Minister of Health: Sharra`s waste and human health, the history of the journey from hell to paradise.

Former Minister of Health, Gjergji Koja, responds to the accusations of the opposition on incinerators, where although he does not prefer to dwell on the costs of this investment, he emphasizes that they are important for human health.

Through a long message on Facebook, the former minister stops at the Sharra’s waste, saying that previously all of Tirana smelled foul and above everyone’s head was a cloud of smoke from the murderous burning of this garbage, while with the enormous waste encapsulationlandfill , this is no longer happening. According to him, the same thing happens with incinerators, because “Citizens do not care how many euros per ton costs waste incineration, but they want to be healthy and far away from hospitals and health centers, not sick and not intoxicated by GARBAGE!”

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IEBV on January 31, 2021


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Published by

IEBV on January 31, 2021


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